Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dunhill Swag

We associate with those things that help us succeed or propel us to success. We prefer brands that give us quality and style. From what we wear, drive, eat and enjoy leisurely ; we create a web of brands that give us the complete solution. Everything we do is a life style choice, not just a decision.

"A true gentleman does not expect success but prepares for it".

The X factor or Swag factor is a dimension of a mans character that is developed through excellence which then mutates into his DNA.

The Surgeon General Warns that Smoking leads to cancer, but what we are not told is that smoking Dunhill's increase swag factor by 125%.

Alfred Dunhill has set the standard for excellence in the Men's Lifestyle Arena

Begin your journey @ www.dunhill.com


Atixhe said...

"a true gentlemen does not expect success, but prepares for it" this quote had me stop and think .. And you made a good point you surround your self with excellence.. And it's not just men that do this, but it becomes who you are.. And it starts with the smallest things. You make it your environment, and it attracts just that.

Atixhe said...

... And even though ones Health out weighs Swag... I can see why smoking is associated with it, it only has to do with it's history though. It used to be only a mens luxury..

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